Thursday, March 19, 2020

The concept of Happiness according to Kant ( with the categorical imperative) and Mill (with the utilitarianism).

The concept of Happiness according to Kant ( with the categorical imperative) and Mill (with the utilitarianism). Kant vs. MIll"Happiness"In two words the concept of happiness exemplifies the "American dream". People go to any means by which to obtain the many varied materials and issues that induce pleasures in each individual, and ultimately in the end, the emotion remains the ultimate goal. John Stewart Mills, a nineteenth century philosopher, correctly supported the pursuit of happiness, and maintained the concept that above all other values, pleasure existed as the utmost objective. Mills promoted his views of natural human tendency and his arguments supporting his theory that above all else, happiness was the most important dream to be fulfilled. Although Mills believed so strongly in his idea of happiness, another philosopher, by the name of Immanuel Kant, proposes a counter argument based on the principles of metaphysics. Immanuel Kant, in " Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals," defends his strong beliefs in the issue of a good will.Mill Street, WarwickIn my paper I will discuss the different claims made by each Mills and Kant on happiness's role in moral life, and present the issue that diminishes to a clash between emotions and pleasures verses rationality and logic.Kant's moral theory and Utilitarianism are similar in the respect that they both attempt to explain how one can go about acting ethically, however they differ in areas of measuring morality and their usage of rules. Both Kant and Mills measure morality in different ways. Kant says that an act is deemed moral for two reasons: if it's done for the sake of duty and if its maxim can be willed as a universal law. If one completes an action based on their duty to perform, they do the right thing because it is what they feel they ought to do as their duty. Therefore, this act would...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How to get an Order of Protection

How to get an Order of Protection What do you do when you feel unsafe with someone in your family or household? Contacting law enforcement and getting an order of protection may be for you.   The Facts An order of protection (also called a restraining order) is an official legal document, signed by a judge, that is filed against a current or former family member or household member or other similar relationship. The order forces that individual to keep at a distance and is intended to prevent his or her abusive behavior toward you. Enforceable in court, it can be drafted to meet your specific needs as they apply to your situation. How It Works An order of protection can require the abuser to stay away from you and limit other forms of access; it can prevent the abuser from contacting you by phone, cell phone text messages, email, mail, fax, or third parties. It can force the abuser to move out of your home, give you exclusive use of your car, and award you temporary custody of your children along with child support, spousal support, and the continuation of insurance coverage. If the order of protection is violated by the abuser- if he or she visits you at home, in the workplace, or anywhere else or makes phone calls, sends emails, or attempts to contact you- the abuser can be arrested and placed in jail. How to Obtain One To get an order of protection, you have several options. You can contact the states or district attorney or inform the police that you wish to apply for an order of protection. You can also go to the county in which you or your abuser resides, and ask the court clerk for Order of Protection forms, which must be filled out. After the paperwork is filed, a hearing date will be set (typically within 14 days) and you will be required to appear in court on that day. The hearing may take place either in family court or criminal court. The judge will ask you to prove that you have experienced abuse or been threatened with violence. Witnesses, police reports, hospital and physician reports, and evidence of physical abuse or assault are often necessary to convince the judge to issue an order of protection. Physical evidence of abuse such as injuries caused by abuse or photos that show past injuries, property damage, or objects used in the assault will help make your case. How It Protects You The order of protection provides you an opportunity to define your safety needs. If children are involved, you can request custody and restrictions on visitation or no contact orders. Whenever the abuser violates the terms of the order of protection, you should call the police. Once you obtain one, it is imperative that you make multiple copies of the document. It is important that you carry a copy of your order protection at all times, particularly if you have children and there are custody and visitation limitations. Sources â€Å"Domestic Violence.†Ã‚  American Bar Association,â€Å"Obtaining an Order of Protection.†Ã‚  FamilyEducation, 25 July 2006,